
Trinitytoday 26 Trinitytoday 26 Philanthropy CAMBODIA SCHOLARSHIPS In 2003, when Hollywood executive Scott Neeson stood on the toxic Stung Meanchey rubbish dump on the outskirts of Phnom Penh surveying the plight of hundreds of children and families scavenging among the garbage, he had an epiphany. Scott sold his Hollywood home, cars, boat and household contents, and in 2004, established the Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF). Since then, CCF has worked towards improving the lives of impoverished and disadvantaged children in Cambodia. The Cripps family – well-known donors and supporters of Ãâ·Ñ»ÆÉ«app– began a partnership in 2015 with the CCF to establish the Neeson-Cripps Academy (NCA), a state-of-the-art high school with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, built on the site of the former Stung Meanchey dump. The Cripps family and the NCA have partnered with Trinity to establish Cripps Scholarships for NCA students in Phnom Penh. The Cripps Scholarship program aims to select two of the best and brightest students from the NCA each year to study bachelor degrees at the University of Melbourne while residing at Trinity College. The scholarships will include academic preparation through the Trinity Foundation Studies program. Over the past year, a selection process commenced to identify which students are suitable for these scholarships. Ben Waymire, Ãâ·Ñ»ÆÉ«appFoundation Studies Senior Regional Manager, has been working with the NCA, interviewing and meeting with students from years 10 to 12. His focus has been on assessing students’ academic suitability, English proficiency and most importantly, personal resilience and determination. What started as a group of 70 interested students has been shortlisted to five. It is envisaged that the first Cripps Scholar will enter the TCFS March Extended program in 2018. After this, the plan is to bring two students each year into the program before they go on to study their bachelor degrees at the University. As a way of identifying potential younger students for the Cripps Scholarships, Trinity will invite four NCA students from years 10 and 11 to the Young Leaders Program at Trinity for two weeks in December 2017. They will receive hands-on experience of what it is like to study on campus at the University, while interacting with students from Australia and across the world. Thank you to the Cripps family – Amy (TC 1996), Tom (TC 1998) and their parents Robert and Jan (Benefactors and Fellows) – for their generous support of Trinity’s philanthropic endeavours. Ben Waymire with the four NCA students who will attend the Young Leaders Program in December 2017: On Seng Hoarng, Soun Borey, Met Chan Mouy and Yem Souvannry. BY BEN WAYMIRE Your GIFT continued... Please direct my gift to the following:  Buildings and grounds (A college room door plaque will be placed for gifts of $560+) Room Number Year (in that room)  Warden’s discretion (These donations are channelled to the areas of highest priority within the Trinity Community.  Scholarships  Cultural collections  Music at Trinity  Other (Please nominate the other area that you would like your gift direct to, for example, the Arthur Hills Scholarship) Bequests*  I am interested in making a bequest to the College in my will. Please send me further information.  I have made arrangements to include the College in my will. * Friends who have included Ãâ·Ñ»ÆÉ«appin their will become members of the Leeper Society which provides the opportunity to be honoured during their lifetime. For any enquiries regarding Annual Giving or to visit the College, please contact the Advancement Office: T: +61 3 9348 7116 E: advancement@trinity.unimelb.edu.au Ãâ·Ñ»ÆÉ«app100 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia