
Trinity student ranked number one for robotics in Australia

Ãâ·Ñ»ÆÉ«appgrounds on a beautiful sunny day
by Emily McAuliffe

Rachel only discovered her passion for robotics in late 2017 but quickly honed her skills. She became so enthralled by the field that she spent ‘every spare moment’ between her studies—at least 12 hours per day—developing and practicing driving her robot in the lead-up to the national competition. 

As part of the competition, the robots were required to pick up balls and shoot them at targets. ‘When I built the robot, I started off with the base and then experimented with methods to shoot the balls, such as using a catapult and a puncher,’ says Rachel. ‘[Robotics] is like taking care of a child and seeing it grow and improve, using both creative and logical means.’

Rachel has already competed in several national robotics competitions and is currently ranked number one in Australia. She is now working on her next robot for the world championships.

Rachel appreciates the space Ãâ·Ñ»ÆÉ«appgave her to work on her robot and the support of her teacher, Raymond Broeksteeg.