
Trinity resident wins ICAC competition

First year resident student Jay Kim (1st year Arts) recently won the Intercollegiate Activities Committee (ICAC) Public Speaking Competition for 2012.

The topic for the night, 'I have a dream…', saw contestants speaking on a wide range of themes including the controversy of Apple products and individuality it took away from people in the 21st century, and the dangers of using abbreviations in everyday speech.

‘My speech was about how our dreams of perfection are impossible, but it doesn’t make our attempts to realsze them any less worthwhile,’ said Jay.

'All is not right in the world – nor will it ever be. But to give each and every day one ounce of effort to make it so, is what makes us human. It is what inevitably makes us the way we are.

'Perfection is impossible. Impossible is nothing. Therefore, perfection is nothing. But imperfection, that is truly something.'

In the second round of the competition, each contestant was given one minute to prepare an impromptu speech on the topic, 'there ought to be a law against that...', and then speak cohesively for two minutes.

‘The ICAC Public Speaking competition was a fun night with incredible speakers, and I’m already looking forward to next year’s event,’ Jay said. 

Jay’s win, along with the Trinity fresher dance off team’s strong performance earlier this month, has given Trinity a great start to its 2012 Arts Shield campaign.

Category: Learning

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