
Farewell to Andrew McGowan: A personal reflection

It is a great blessing in life to work with someone that you like, respect and admire.

My close working relationship with the Reverend Professor Andrew McGowan began almost ten years ago when he and I were acting in the roles of Warden and Dean. We fell into step quickly, and, a few years later I was delighted to return as Dean and Deputy to him.

Some seven years on, the news that Andrew is to be the Dean and President of the Berkeley Divinity School and a Professor of the Yale Divinity School has stirred mixed feelings. We are proud that he will move from Trinity to such a splendid and significant position, and thrilled for him and his wife Felicity that they have such an opportunity, but we are sad to be saying farewell.
Andrew is a remarkable Renaissance figure. He is a distinguished scholar; eminent theologian and Anglican
priest; highly sought after teacher and commentator; talented musician; extraordinary orator; and a wise, resourceful leader. He has always licensed and empowered me to do my job. He has always been at my shoulder when I needed the Warden. An alumnus of Trinity, Andrew’s love for the College, in all its parts, is deep and abiding.

Trinity has flourished in Andrew’s years. The physical manifestations of success are obvious and substantial. The reformation of the Dining Hall and the new café space linked to the Kitchen Garden and the Sharwood Court are, perhaps, the brightest jewel; but the installation of water tanks under the resurfaced Bulpadock, the renovation of the Vatican Lawn, and the investments in improving teaching facilities and residential accommodation have all been impressive and timely. The imminent construction of a major education and cultural centre in the southern precinct will also help shape Andrew’s legacy.

Andrew the scholar has nourished and led the academic life
of the College, which continues to attract students of wonderful talent and intellectual ambition who go on to achieve fine results. Andrew the priest and mentor has ensured that matters of spirit and values remain at the heart of collegiate education and of our special community.

The College is in sound financial shape; admissions are remarkably healthy and our partnerships with the University of Melbourne and the University of Divinity are positive and productive. This is a splendid foundation in place on which to build the next chapter.

At the final Formal Hall for Semester One, the Senior
Student, Ms Anna Trail, presented Andrew with the much-loved symbol of our resident community, the Candystripe rugby top, embroidered with ‘Warden 7’. He was delighted, and later led the singing of the College song to close the dinner. The moment captured much: our gratitude for all that has been achieved;
the importance of Andrew’s leadership and example as Warden: and the certainty that Trinity will have a great ally at Yale in
the years to come.

Campbell Bairstow, Acting Warden


Pictured: L–R: Campbell Bairstow, Provost of Trinity College, Professor Andrew McGowan

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